IdeaBeam Transport

Train Name : 2202 (Local Trains) | Train No : 2202

Classes : 3rd
Stops : 2
Duration : 0 Hrs 8 Mins
Days : Monday

Train number 2202 is a train running between Sarasaviuyana and Kandy. The two cities are located at a distance of 5.051 kms.

The train 2202 is named as 2202 (Local Trains) . It leaves Sarasaviuyana at 23:33. and reaches Kandy at 23:41.It takes 0 Hrs 8 Mins to reach from its source to the destination.

Some of the major stations that the train passes through on its way are . In a week, 2202 (Local Trains) operates on Monday.

Station name (code) Arrival Departure Stop time Classes Days
Sarasaviuyana 23:33 23:34 1 minutes 3rd Sunday to Monday
Kandy 23:41 3rd Sunday to Monday

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What time 2202 (Local Trains) depart from Sarasaviuyana Railway Station ?
    2202 (Local Trains) departs from Sarasaviuyana Railway Station at 23:33.
  2. How much time 2202 (Local Trains) take to reach Kandy Station ?
    The arrival time of 2202 (Local Trains) at Kandy Station is 23:41.
  3. Distance covered by 2202 (Local Trains) ?
    2202 (Local Trains) covers 5.051 km to reach Kandy Station. 2202 (Local Trains) passes through 2 stations.
  4. How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
    You can check various methods for booking here Click Here