IdeaBeam Transport

Train Name : Poson Special (Poson Season) | Train No : 40009

Classes : 3rd
Stops : 12
Duration : 4 Hrs 21 Mins
Days : Tuesday

Train number 40009 is a train running between Dematagoda and Maho. The two cities are located at a distance of 156.575 kms.

The train 40009 is named as Poson Special (Poson Season) . It leaves Dematagoda at 18:09. and reaches Maho at 22:30.It takes 4 Hrs 21 Mins to reach from its source to the destination.

Some of the major stations that the train passes through on its way are . In a week, Poson Special (Poson Season) operates on Tuesday.

Station name (code) Arrival Departure Stop time Classes Days
Dematagoda 18:09 18:10 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Ambeypussa 19:03 19:04 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Alawwa 19:14 19:15 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Wellawa 20:06 20:07 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Nagollagama 20:30 20:31 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Timbiriyagedara 20:36 20:37 1 minutes 3rd 26.06.2018
Thambuttegama 3rd 26.06.2018
Anuradhapura Town 3rd 26.06.2018
Senarathgama 3rd 26.06.2018
Galgamuwa 3rd 26.06.2018
Srawasthipura 3rd 26.06.2018
Maho 3rd 26.06.2018

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What time Poson Special (Poson Season) depart from Dematagoda Railway Station ?
    Poson Special (Poson Season) departs from Dematagoda Railway Station at 18:09.
  2. How much time Poson Special (Poson Season) take to reach Maho Station ?
    The arrival time of Poson Special (Poson Season) at Maho Station is 22:30.
  3. Distance covered by Poson Special (Poson Season) ?
    Poson Special (Poson Season) covers 72.913 km to reach Maho Station. Poson Special (Poson Season) passes through 12 stations.
  4. How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
    You can check various methods for booking here Click Here