Classes : 1st,2nd,3rd
Stops : 21
Duration : 24 Hrs 0 Mins
Days : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Train number 6076 is a train running between Maradana and Colombo Fort. The two cities are located at a distance of 71.927 kms.
The train 6076 is named as Pulathisi (Intercity) . It leaves Maradana at 09:08. and reaches Colombo Fort at 09:08.It takes 24 Hrs 0 Mins to reach from its source to the destination.
Some of the major stations that the train passes through on its way are . In a week, Pulathisi (Intercity) operates on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Station name (code) | Arrival | Departure | Stop time | Classes | Days |
Maradana | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday | |||
Batticaloa | 01:40 | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday | ||
Eravur | 01:53 | 01:54 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Valachchenei | 02:09 | 02:11 | 2 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Punani | 02:33 | 02:44 | 11 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Welikanda | 03:02 | 03:03 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Manampitiya | 03:22 | 03:23 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Polonnaruwa | 03:34 | 03:39 | 5 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Hingurakgoda | 03:57 | 03:58 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Galoya Junction | 04:19 | 04:23 | 4 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Habarana | 04:48 | 04:49 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Kekirawa | 05:14 | 05:15 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Kalawewa | 05:23 | 05:24 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Aukana | 05:28 | 05:29 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Moragollagama | 05:52 | 05:53 | 1 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Maho | 06:12 | 06:25 | 13 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Wellawa | 06:47 | 07:04 | 17 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Kurunegala | 07:03 | 07:05 | 2 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Potuhera | 07:09 | 07:17 | 8 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Polgahawela | 07:42 | 07:44 | 2 minutes | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |
Colombo Fort | 09:08 | 1st,2nd,3rd | Sunday to Monday |