IdeaBeam Transport

Gelioya to Haputale Trains

Both these cities are located at a distance of 128.428 kms. Traveling from one place to the other is easy because of the efficient rail connectivity. There are many trains that run between the two cities. On a daily basis, There are 14 weekly trains from Gelioya to Haputale.

Train No Train Name Departure Arrival Days
1126 1126 ( Mixed Trains ) 03:57 11:05 Sunday to Monday
1005 Podi Menike ( Express Train ) 09:05 14:15 Sunday to Monday

Get schedule for return Haputale to Gelioya

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which trains run from Gelioya to Haputale
    The following trains start from Gelioya - 1126 ( Mixed Trains ) , Podi Menike ( Express Train ) , pass through Gelioya to reach Haputale
  2. How many weekly trains are there from Gelioya to Haputale ?
    There are 14 weekly trains from Gelioya to Haputale.
  3. When does the first train leave from Gelioya ?
    The first train from Gelioya to Haputale is at 03:57:00 , which is Mixed Trains - 1126
  4. When does the last train leave from Gelioya?
    The last train from Gelioya to Haputale is at 09:05:00, which is Podi Menike (Express Train - 1005 )
  5. How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
    You can check various methods for booking here Click Here