IdeaBeam Transport

Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital Trains

Both these cities are located at a distance of 24.3 kms. Traveling from one place to the other is easy because of the efficient rail connectivity. There are many trains that run between the two cities. On a daily basis, There are 58 weekly trains from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital.

Train No Train Name Departure Arrival Days
9260 9260 ( Colombo Commuter ) 13:55 15:05 Sunday to Monday
9261 9261 ( Local Trains ) 16:00 17:07 Sunday to Monday
9262 9262 ( Colombo Commuter ) 16:25 17:37 Sunday to Monday
9263 9263 ( Colombo Commuter ) 16:50 18:05 Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Sunday,Monday
9264 9264 ( Colombo Commuter ) 17:30 18:43 Sunday to Monday
9268 9268 ( Colombo Commuter ) 18:00 19:11 Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Monday
9269 9269 ( Colombo Commuter ) 18:30 19:41 Sunday to Monday
9270 9270 ( Colombo Commuter ) 19:15 20:26 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday
9271 9271 ( Colombo Commuter ) 20:00 21:11 Sunday to Monday

Get schedule for return Homagama Hospital to Colombo Fort

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which trains run from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital
    The following trains start from Colombo Fort - 9260 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9261 ( Local Trains ) , 9262 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9263 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9264 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9268 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9269 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9270 ( Colombo Commuter ) , 9271 ( Colombo Commuter ) , pass through Colombo Fort to reach Homagama Hospital
  2. How many weekly trains are there from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital ?
    There are 58 weekly trains from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital.
  3. When does the first train leave from Colombo Fort ?
    The first train from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital is at 13:55:00 , which is Colombo Commuter - 9260
  4. When does the last train leave from Colombo Fort?
    The last train from Colombo Fort to Homagama Hospital is at 20:00:00, which is 9271a (Colombo Commuter - 9271 )
  5. How to book a train ticket online in Sri Lanka?
    You can check various methods for booking here Click Here